3 05, 2019

Chatbot Case Study 1

2020-04-06T20:22:18+00:000 Comments

A state government agency wanted to take their administration closer to the citizens by offering multiple citizen-centric services in an integrated, convenient, citizen-friendly manner, using IT tools. Background: The state agency wanted its constituents to enroll themselves for various government programs. Disparate programs had different government websites with a plethora [...]

3 05, 2019

Chatbot Case Study 2

2020-04-06T20:22:26+00:000 Comments

A large retailers was looking to implement chatbot services to provide various customer query services. The new solution would allow customers to communicate with an intelligent chatbot 24 x 7 using text messenger. Y&L worked with the client on content creation, the integration of API.ai with Flask and the creation [...]

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